by Neil Kimel

One way to learn about the composers of your favorite operas is to watch films about their lives. While there have been landmark and beloved biopics like Amadeus many others haven’t met with the same regard. La Boheme and Tosca are two of audience’s favorite operas, but few know that some films were indeed made about their creator, Giacomo Puccini. These films have not risen to the level adoration or aren’t very well-known at all- even to this author who had to rely on a search engine to prove their existence.
Puccini (AKA “Two Loves Had I”) 1953 full-length feature film
Watch the entire movie dubbed into English here for free:
Puccini 1988 TV movie rentable on Amazon or free on Kanopy
Puccini Some of his operas are shorter than this three-hour 2009 TV film. Unavailable to
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